In the age of perfection and multiple retakes I wanted to challenge myself to post the very first frame taken each day. Perhaps bringing in a bit of nostalgia of the old film days when you didn’t quite have the option of reviewing and retaking images on the spot. The added pressure will help me be more intentional and thoughtful about settings and composition before pressing the shutter.

Say no
Say no to that little voce in your head that always holds you back from doing what you really want to do. Take the ideas that arrive in that moment of inspiration and run with them, don’t wait for…..

Take a break
Are vacations what they used to be? Do we get the same downtime as what they did back in the baby boomer days? I have been fortunate enough to have had a variety of getaways over the past…..

Spirit Junkie
Hey, sometimes we could all do with some kind words and a little bit of positive affirmation. This deck of cards has been with us for a while now and occasionally we each draw a card out the pack and give…..

Its all here
I’m very much a traveler and adventurer, always scheming where to go next, need to get out, busting for a change. This valentines weekend has brought some incredible moments of introspection both as individuals and…..

That was then
A perfect moment shared captured imperfectly, one that will resonate but only with the ones that were there. An artwork created and shared between two, a moment in their time. Two walls two sets of photographs…..

Angel Caller
Harmony balls are traditional pieces of jewellery that have been around for centuries. They feature a hollow spherical pendant that contains a small metal ball, which creates a subtle chime sound when the pendant…..

Witpoortjie Waterfall
This is still one of the most pristine botanical gardens left in Johannesburg and today I was in for a treat. It was not too busy as it was a weekday so it was nice to go around and capture images without too many…..

Rose Coloured lens
Living in the same area for 8 years and realising I have not yet explored the nearby nature reserve, I loaded up my camera bag and headed out to go and have a look. Im glad I took this image as my usually…..

Gooi Mielies
Here in South Africa we have a popular Afrikaans phrase “Gooi Mielies”. It is used in situations where you want to encourage someone to go all out or put in all their effort. Directly translated it means throw corn or maize…..

Second Chances
Living out here in the countryside we are exposed to some extreme elements. Wind, storms, and perhaps the biggest killer, frost. Unfortunately out of the many trees I have planted over the years…...

What is intimacy to you? A look, a kiss, the touch of your partners hand. Intimacy can take many different shapes and forms, it could be engaging in authentic conversations allowing the vulnerable…..

Always there
If you have ever owned a dog I’m sure you have similar photographs. There is action happening and the first on the scene is no other than the Dash. While swimming may not be his favourite thing to……

The Director
When you sit in his chair you have to wear his boots, make his calls and implement his strategies. A seat many strive to be in but it does come with its challenges. He is the final port…..

If i’m gonna get better at landscape I need to remember to stop down the aperture. I love the idea of shooting wide open but it’s just not necessary or ideal for landscape photography…..

Imagine a thought as a raindrop, as it lands it creates a ripple, that ripple expands altering shapes and forms as it passes through. These shape or forms could be our environment, people around us, ourselves…..

Real Estate
I wanted to try my hand out at some real estate photography, this was my third attempt at the same scene on 3 different days. The high dynamic range between indoors and the harsh outdoor light made…..

It may just take you the entire day but if you throw enough darts at the board you are almost guaranteed a bullseye. I have had multiple experiences where I could not see the myself reaching the end goal…..

Look again
Ever see an imperfect tree? How about an animal? I have said that animals make the most amazing subject matter for photographs, but why is that, why not humans? Have the super models on…..

What started as a bed design for my bedroom ended up in so much more. I built this bed with the intention of replacing the existing one in my bedroom and then using the existing one as a spare bed in…..

Creating depth
Looking at a photograph it’s difficult to get the same 3D depth perception that our eyes can. I find the best way to “trick” the eyes onto perceiving depth in a photograph is to have different elements in the image…..