Rose Coloured lens

Living in the same area for 8 years and realising I have not yet explored the nearby nature reserve, I loaded up my camera bag and headed out to go and have a look. Im glad I took this image as my usually positive outlook was filled with pessimism today. It was nice to capture an exquisite part of nature before I turned my attention to all the negatives. I read the reviews on trip advisor before I left so I knew what I was in for and had no real expectations but I think my state of mind entering into the reserve meant that I viewed everything without my usual rose tinted lenses. It was sad to see that even in a reserve as large as this, it was dominated by electrical pylons throughout and unfortunately all the facilities had been left to decay. It was certainly not the bright and vibrant place that it was when it was first designated as a protected area.

It reminded me of a quote by Deborah Ellis “Nobody really owns anything. We give back our bodies at the end of our lives. We own our thoughts, but everything else is just borrowed. We use it for a while, then pass it on. Everything. We borrow the sun that shines on us today from the people on the other side of the world while they borrow the moon from us. Then we give it back. We can't keep the sun, no matter how afraid we are of the dark.”

Places change and evolve as do people and all the other living inhabitants in it, we think we have possessions but somewhere down the line as time passes and so do we, someone else will claim them and shape these possessions to represent their visions and ideals. The places that are left abandoned, at least by humans, are reclaimed by nature and become a sanctuary for all, as it was always meant to be.

monarch butterfly

Witpoortjie Waterfall


Gooi Mielies