In the age of perfection and multiple retakes I wanted to challenge myself to post the very first frame taken each day. Perhaps bringing in a bit of nostalgia of the old film days when you didn’t quite have the option of reviewing and retaking images on the spot. The added pressure will help me be more intentional and thoughtful about settings and composition before pressing the shutter.

That Friday Feeling
Yeah I know it’s only Thursday but this guy was dancing all the way to work this morning. Boombox in hand, music playing and bouncing along the tarmac. I loved his energy and was so happy to…..

Its late
I’d love to come up with some sort of story or insight into what I see in this picture but the reality is it’s getting late and i’m exhausted. I love these daily posts and in the interest of being authentic…..

Back for more
I knew with a little more effort and time spent at the fence I could get these guys to trust me a bit more. Today I arrived at the perfect time and got this yellow mongoose perfectly backlit from the setting sun…..

Calving Season
Met this little guy today and he was super friendly and at one stage I thought he was coming up to say hi to me at the fence but I think he got told off by his mom. There are two bull calves…..

Fish out of water
I can totally relate, and I know you can too. Feeling like you just don’t belong, out of alignment, gasping for air? Why and how do we get here? Im going out on a limb here and saying it originates from…..

Supercar Dan
It’s great when your kids get to show you an experience you have never had. Today we went to 3 different super car dealerships and got to see Mclaren, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Lamborghini…..

The modern diesel engine
From the outside this looks relatively simple or dare I say elegant, but under the cover lies a complex mix of cutting edge engineering, precision components and electronics all working in harmony to…..

Summer Rain
As the rain started to fall this hot summers afternoon, I looked out and the sun was still shining, typically in South Africa this is called a monkeys wedding. I ran to get my camera and Natanya ran to experience the rain…..

Yeah that would help, you can watch and read all the tutorials but if you don’t go out and practice you are never going to improve. With my experience level reaching 1 month I am actually happy with my…..

Urban forest
This little forest in in the city used to be one of my favourite mountain biking spots, I don’t come here as often as I used to but I had a few spare minutes this afternoon to have a brief walk…..

This image I took today is nothing special by any standard and not something I would naturally want to post or share. I am finding the first frame challenging but at the same time its forcing…..

Playing with colour
Still very new to Lightroom and its capabilities i’m starting to explore the use of masks and the ability to change the colour saturation in different areas of the image. I quite enjoy the process as it can…..

I think I got so excited about finally finding this young foal out and about that I completely forgot about my intention around my first frame blog and just took the first opportunity I got…..

Size Matters
Don’t get me wrong, I love my tools but some extra length would sure come in handy. I tried to photograph some bright orange birds on the side of the road but as I tried to get close enough to get a decent shot…..

Don’t be scared of ISO
I was wanting to catch an image of Hope in the garden but then she came walking towards me unexpectedly, I took the image but hadn’t taken into account for movement as I was wanting to catch her in a relatively still pose. I had set my shutter at 1/320 of a second and ISO at 125. Ideally my shutter should have been at 1/500 or faster…..

I was preparing my first take for the day, taking my time with composition and wanting to get things dialled in and then our inquisitive cat came walking through the scene. It was too good of a moment to pass up waiting for the perfect shot so pressed the shutter and hoped for the best…..

This is probably one of the most photogenic bikes I have ever come across, it was brought to life by a dutch designer Ronald Meijs. Ronald wanted to keep it as sleek and as elegant as possible with nothing added on that didn’t…..

Moody Mondays
I think Bjorn’s look here says it all, early Monday morning with disrupted sleep can definitely set you off on the wrong foot. I managed to shift mine this morning by taking the boys out for a ride to the quarry…..

Ever stoped to wonder what journey your food took to get to your plate or tastebuds? With food so readily available most of us have lost touch with the process of food production. Fast food, ready made meals, tinned fruit…..

First Frame
Literally the first picture frame I ever made, it was a project for someone very special to me. I wanted to give a thoughtful gift or gesture and even went as far as matching the wood species to their heritage…..