Its all here

I’m very much a traveler and adventurer, always scheming where to go next, need to get out, busting for a change. This valentines weekend has brought some incredible moments of introspection both as individuals and as a couple. I owe the inspiration to my beautiful lady in this picture, who planned a getaway for us on Friday night which turned out to be a weekend away. We didn’t pack any bags, we didn’t drive anywhere or book any accommodation, we just used what was already here. We moved into the guest bedroom and pretended we were on holiday, its amazing the energy shift it created, although we were in the same house, we completely changed our routine and allowed ourselves to relax and for the most part be present. It has been one of my best weekends away and all it took was a bit of imagination and creativity. I think we get into this perpetual state of getting something or somewhere and then instantly start looking for the next. The next achievement, the next fancy car, the next business opportunity, what if were had to just pause, look around and realise, we may just already have it all. I have it all.

morning smile

Spirit Junkie


That was then