
Imagine a thought as a raindrop, as it lands it creates a ripple, that ripple expands altering shapes and forms as it passes through. These shape or forms could be our environment, people around us, ourselves. The quality of our thoughts determine the quality of our lives. Each and very thought we have carries an electrical charge, it could be a positive or a negative charge, these thoughts trigger emotions and its the emotions that are the current or force in which the thought manifests. We can’t change or control what happens to us but we can change how we respond, better thoughts present better responses which present better lives. Have you ever noticed when you wake up in a bad mood and maintain that mood on the way to work and throughout the day, most of the time you end up having a really shitty day. In the opposite instance, if you are upbeat and ready for anything that comes your way, you handle it with a better energy and almost always yield better results. It’s hard to shift those gloomy moods when it feels like your whole would is going to end but if you can find an interrupt mechanism that works for you, it can turn a gloomy day into a bright one, just by sending positive ripples out into the world around you.




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