Witpoortjie Waterfall
This is still one of the most pristine botanical gardens left in Johannesburg and today I was in for a treat. It was not too busy as it was a weekday so it was nice to go around and capture images without too many people around. They are busy with an art install by Anton Smit which gave so many interesting photo opportunities. I was inspired by a Youtube video by Luc Forsyth -”If You’re Creative But Lazy, Please Watch This”, to just head out into what I perceive as an uncomfortable environment and start taking photos. My takeaway was firstly I’m heading in the right direction by taking photographs every day and working on improving my skills but the other one was to overcome my fear of taking photo’s out in a public setting. Although it was a relatively quiet day, I still had interactions with other park goers and employees and it was a great way for me to break the ice. My goal is to get comfortable enough to take photographs of people going about their daily tasks “street photography” and this was a step in the right direction.