Get to know me

I have spent the most part of my adult life in industry, repeating processes day in and day out. Prescision and perfection was a large part of the products we produced. This left little room for creativity and not knowing it at the time I was starved for a creative outlet. I spent many years racing offered motorcycles in some of the most extreme terrain, it was a great escape but never addressed my core need and that was to create. I have memories as a kid making music stations for my Dj equipment and beautiful enclosures for my pet chameleons. I think innately from a young age my passion was to build. I rediscovered this passion a few years back when I built an A-Frame cabin style play house for my two boys, this sparked a passion for woodworking which I have passionately been pursuing for the past 3 years. With many beautiful projects completed I was needing to take some good quality images to showcase these creations online and in catalogs. Enter filming and photography. With the perfectionism built in from my previous experiences the smart phone just wasn’t cutting it anymore, 23 December 2024 I purchased my first full frame mirrorless camera. I am exited about documenting my learning and insight’s gained along the way and sharing it with you all.