
Each day presents new opportunity to view life from a different perspective. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the daily grind that we forget to stop for a moment and reflect on the beauty that surrounds us or just be present in the moment. The daily perspective is a personal blog reminding me to pause each day and take in a moment or experience, capture it and store that moment in time.

Lift off
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

Lift off

At the last mud bath an idea was born and that was to fly. The boys made a ramp and were having a blast seeing how much air they could get, Daniel asked if he could build another ramp and then a track…..

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Wider Perspective
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

Wider Perspective

No better way to play with a wide angle lens on a rainy day than to try and see things from a different perspective. The wide angle gives the perception that objects close to the lens are far bigger than…..

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Listen and do
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

Listen and do

I find myself drawn to activities that rely on sense. Sight, sound, touch, taste, not so much smell. Our senses are how we experience life and for a large part of my life it was sound, captivated by…..

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What do you see?
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

What do you see?

I have looked at this piece of land many times, imagining what could be created if I just took the step. Dreams of what could be, vivid images of the setting that could exist. Many times I have built…..

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Discovering Magnification
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

Discovering Magnification

After doing a few closeups this morning of a locket and a harmony ball I wanted to discover which one of my lenses would be best for the task. I know it’s a case of putting the cart before the horse but…..

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Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers


I found a gem of a place today, Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens. I ended up taking so many good photographs of sculptures which seemed to be mostly created by Anton Smit. It’s one of those days where…..

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Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers


Who owns it? The government, corporations or the people? I would like to think it’s the government for the people, in an ideal world. Unfortunately this is something that is slowly decaying here in our country…..

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Green Grass
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

Green Grass

Some are happy to be and others tend to seek. What is it they seek? How do you settle that itch, to move or to change. I think a for the most part the seeking of change externally is spurred on by a sense…..

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The Graveyard
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

The Graveyard

This saddens me, seeing once treasured items that have brought hours of joy, lying discarded in a pile. I was wired a bit differently as a child where each item was treasured and always looked after…..

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Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers


I used to refer to him as Danny 2 Wheels, Daniel lives and breathes bikes. From the age of 2 he was already balancing on his first bike and 6 months later was buzzing around on an electric trials bike….

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Thank you
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

Thank you

Thank you for seeing me when I’m unable to see myself, thank you for being weird with me, thank you for helping me feel loved when I may not be able to love myself, thank you for giving me your time…..

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Friend or foe
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

Friend or foe

Im still trying to wrap my head around whether gaming is a net positive or negative for kids. Im leaning to the side of positive as it can certainly present challenges that need to be faced and overcome…..

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Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers


Action and reaction, are we pushing down on the earth or is the earth pushing us up. Do our actions hold weight or are they just events passing in time never to be felt again…...

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The missing key
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

The missing key

Some locks can be so tough to crack and we spend our lives searching for the key that will open the door to our hopes and dreams. What is the key and why is it so difficult to find?…..

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Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers


Not quite, but for now this is working for me, I couldn’t have done this without my eager assistant Hope. She always loves a walk in the garden and mostly comes running and bouncing when…..

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The Hook
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

The Hook

I have had a love hate relationship with cigarettes over the years, I love to have one on the odd occasion and then hate it when that one becomes a habit I can’t break. I have passed the stage of nicotine…..

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Why are you hiding?
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

Why are you hiding?

Some of the greatest success stories begin when people have dropped the act and pursued what they knew they should, but have always been afraid to. On the other side of fear lies everything we could…..

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Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers


Hard to think I started this challenge only 31 days go, it definitely feels longer. It’s something I put together in a couple days just before the new year and I am so proud of myself for making it through the first month…..

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Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers


I’m hoping not an axe to the head. I think the act of intentionality can definitely keep life interesting, waking up with no real plan for the day or weekend can certainly lead to some dull moments…..

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The Beginning?
Andrew Kloppers Andrew Kloppers

The Beginning?

This fallen tree is actually where it all began. I had wanted to build a treehouse for my boys but wasn’t too sure on where on the property to place it. I call it a treehouse as it’s near a tree and on stilts…..

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