The Beginning?

This fallen tree is actually where it all began. I had wanted to build a treehouse for my boys but wasn’t too sure on where on the property to place it. I call it a treehouse as it’s near a tree and on stilts, the reality is there aren’t large enough trees on the property to build a certified treehouse so i’m just going to use this term loosely. I was mulling over placement ideas and drawing up some sketches for a little while but just couldn’t make up my mind, then one day as if I needed a push along, this massive part of the tree toppled over leaving a perfectly sized gap in-between a group of surrounding trees. The moment it fell, I knew this was going to be the spot. Still not completely compelled to start, I was called out on my procrastination by a friend, so I did what all rationally minded people do, I bought a chainsaw and went to work on trimming away all the excess branches leaving me with this fallen trunk as a feature piece for the kids to climb on, near their soon to be treehouse. This was literally the start of my creative outlet through woodworking which now has transformed into something that gives me peace of mind and hopefully future sources of revenue.




Its out there somewhere