The missing key

Some locks can be so tough to crack and we spend our lives searching for the key that will open the door to our hopes and dreams. What is the key and why is it so difficult to find? I think for all of us the key is unique with each and every one of us wrestling with some tightly shut door hoping for a breakthrough. I think it comes down to focus and patience, focusing on multiple areas that don’t serve a common goal can be like having multiple keys to a lock but not one of them fit. Shifting your energy in one direction with razor sharp focus offers us a much greater chance of reaching the inevitable breakthrough. Here’s the kicker, once the door is unlocked and you open up all your hopes and dreams, how long do they stay your hopes and dreams until you shift your focus to new ones? This is human nature and I believe this is not necessarily a bad thing, our consciousness is always expanding and as we expand so do our goals and ideals. Perhaps the key is missing for a good reason and thats to keep us ever evolving and growing, if life was a destination I would think we would completely miss out on an incredible journey.



