Green Grass

Some are happy to be and others tend to seek. What is it they seek? How do you settle that itch, to move or to change. I think a for the most part the seeking of change externally is spurred on by a sense of unfulfillment internally and often we believe if we just change our environment then everything will be ok. I believe when we want something, whether it be a car, a house or a destination, it’s the underlying emotion we seek. It's the emotional state we believe we will reach when we get what we want, if we are able to identify that emotional state and recreate it in our current set of circumstances then perhaps the object we desired would no longer be needed or wanted. Sometimes sitting in a state of gratitude for what we have could save us from costly mistakes along our path. My desired state for which I am still yet to reach, is to be happy with, and want what I already have.

High veld Savannah Sunset



The Graveyard