
Ever stoped to wonder what journey your food took to get to your plate or tastebuds? With food so readily available most of us have lost touch with the process of food production. Fast food, ready made meals, tinned fruit, everything processed boxed and ready to go. Some of use are never truly present as we scroll our phones or watch our favourite TV show as we finish our food with haste so we can get back to our digital dopamine fix of choice. The label on this jar of honey really caught my attention “This bottle of honey required 1152 bees travel 180246km and visit 45 million flowers” just let that sink in. Practicing mindful eating can truly change our appreciation for food, its texture, the way it smells, the colour, its origins, thank you honey bees for the incredible work you you put into this 500ml jar of honey.

honey jar

Moody Mondays


First Frame