In the age of perfection and multiple retakes I wanted to challenge myself to post the very first frame taken each day. Perhaps bringing in a bit of nostalgia of the old film days when you didn’t quite have the option of reviewing and retaking images on the spot. The added pressure will help me be more intentional and thoughtful about settings and composition before pressing the shutter.

What do you see?
Fit for vanity or fit for purpose, i would like to think both. Ever tried shaving without a mirror, possible but not enjoyable. We can spend hours looking at ourselves in the mirror but often what we see can be far from the truth…..

Hope’s New Bed
I enjoy crafting out of wood and every now and again my boys place an order for some custom pieces. Bjorn had decided that the middle shelf on this old bookcase needed a partition in order to make a nice cosy sleeping spot for Hope…..

Landscapes, lots to learn
I have been struggling with landscapes and have been doing a bit of research about getting the correct aperture and focal point to render a crisp clean image throughout with very little lens blur…..

Contagious Creativity
My dad told me once that the more space you have the more stuff you need to fill it. Well it just so happens that this large garage that used to be home to my van and off-road bikes is now home to my happy place…..

Keep smiling
No matter the weather Natanya has a way of finding the fun and light in life, full of quirky jokes and anecdotes, there is never a dull moment when she is around. With skills in helping you bring out your inner child…..

Unexpected Start
We took a few days to spend some time at a retreat, I knew there would be some game on the farm but I had no idea that they would come so close to where we were staying…..

Fallen Beauty
Is energy just borrowed in a certain form only to be transferred into something else? Take this tree stump for example, once a beautiful tree drinking water from the earth…..

Shooting in the wind
Walking through the veld I discovered this wild flower, it was quite unique and the only one of its kind on our property. Really wanting to photograph it but also needing to nail the first frame…..

Fur friends have a way of sneaking up into our hearts and easily become the preferred subject matter in our daily snap shots…..

Raw and Real
For a perfectionist such as myself taking on a this particular challenge of putting out raw unrefined content can be quite daunting. Especially so early on in my photographic journey…..