This image I took today is nothing special by any standard and not something I would naturally want to post or share. I am finding the first frame challenging but at the same time its forcing me to find creative workarounds and explore Lightroom a lot deeper that I would be if I was just slightly tweaking great images. So rather than getting upset about not getting my first shot perfect, I am enjoying the opportunity to delve a little deeper into the editing process. I was scrolling through some old photos today of Natanya’s travels in Asia, what stood out for me is, firstly her photos are incredible with interesting subject matter and compositions, but also they weren’t super sharp and had a bit of a softer look to them which I really liked. I am mostly drawn to crisp and sharp images but in the photos from Asia the softness really portrayed a more realistic and nostalgic effect. I added some grain to this image and also softened it up a bit from my usually sharp focus and although its not great, I am learning to accept that not everything always has to be portrayed as perfect, there is also beauty in imperfection.