Fish out of water
I can totally relate, and I know you can too. Feeling like you just don’t belong, out of alignment, gasping for air? Why and how do we get here? Im going out on a limb here and saying it originates from dismissing ourselves. Imagine every time you had to respond to someone or made a decision you acted in your true authenticity, no holds barred. Would you feel this way? Would you feel like you don’t belong? Probably not as you would be exactly where you wanted to be. The problem comes in where we respond in a way we think others want us to respond, doing what we think they want us to do for whatever reason. To be liked, to be accepted, to be wanted, our whole life becomes a dance of playing into everyones’s else’s expectations albeit expectations we have created in our own minds. If I dress this way what would they think? If I don’t give them my attention at a gathering would they want to come back? If i’m not entertaining would they still like me? What if you just be yourself and stop trying? Perhaps then you would find your shoal, the ones you are meant to be around, the ones who accept the true you and not your masked version.