Landscapes, lots to learn
I have been struggling with landscapes and have been doing a bit of research about getting the correct aperture and focal point to render a crisp clean image throughout with very little lens blur. I think i’m getting to grips with the technical aspects but struggling to put it in practice. I found this image very underwhelming in terms of clarity and composition but have taken a few things away from my time out today and will keep learning and testing out new techniques. I think of all the types of photography I have tried, landscapes seems by far to be my toughest challenge. Takeaway one, go out 20 min before sunset to get a much more interesting sky and shadows over the land. Takeaway two, set the cameras shutter on a timer function so there is no shake as you press the shutter. I experimented with a 10sec timer and got better results, another option is a remote shutter which can actually work through an app on your phone. Takeaway three, look for interesting lines in your landscape and a subject or element that can tell a bit of a story to the viewer.