Its out there somewhere
It was time to try out some astral photography and my intention was to try catch some of the milky way. Tonight is the perfect night as its new moon and it’s supposed to be nice and dark. Light pollution out here is not quite as bad as the city but we do still experience it. The other problem is the centre of the milky way is currently below my feet and would only show up in the sky at around 3:30am. I thought for my first time out I would try and get the feel for it before braving the early morning. If I look at this image I could have underexposed it slightly more as the lights in the subject are super bright but it’s likely I would have lost some of the detail in the sky. I will play around some more with the ISO on the next attempt but ideally I would like to find a subject out in a more remote area. Perhaps next month calls for a camping trip.