
Im sure you have all had the experience where you walk into a place feeling a certain way and leave feeling another. The reality is that we either emit energy or absorb energy. Empaths absorb, unfortunately almost always to their own detriment, wanting to see the best in others believing if they just shine some light on a wounded soul that they could heal this soul and their life can carry on. Then you get the radiant souls that emit light everywhere they go, shining their light uplifting others as they pass by, unfortunately they inevitably end up attracting some dark soul, intent on taking their light to fill a void within them. The problem is we mostly look outwards to get the fix or balance that we are unable to create within ourselves. This could be one of the major contributors to violence, sexual abuse, spousal abuse, just to name a few. We are programmed to seek gratification externally and this can manifest in harmless or sometimes harmful acts. If we could just find a way to feel fulfilled without needing to attain the feeling from another source but rather from within, perhaps that could be the catalyst to peace and respect amongst us all.


Got them


Dream Big