Dream Big
Anyone who has had the opportunity to drive supercars in Gran Turismo develops a natural curiosity for the real thing and after experiencing how well they perform and handle in the game, Daniel wanted to see them in real life. This is something I have never done before, that is go into a super car dealership and admire some of the best the world has to offer. Im glad I got to share the experience with Daniel and by the third dealership I was even getting interested in them to the point of considering owning one and that is dangerous. I felt a different energy around them and also in Melrose Arch where Daytona was located. It felt like it was a hive for energetic go getters, whether they were having a coffee after their morning cycle or walking the streets in their gym attire, there just seemed to be a vibe I once felt but seem to have forgotten. It reminded me of myself for a large part of my adult life, always chasing fortune and pushing myself in various endeavours. That part of me somewhat took a break over the last few years and I have always wondered if I would get that same drive back again. My takeaway from today and the message I relayed to my boys is that if you want something in life or a certain lifestyle you need to put yourself into that space or energy regularly, surround yourself with people who have similar dreams and goals, go to the dealerships, sit in the cars and picture the future version of you in detail, living the life you desire. If you can see yourself living a certain way and believe it, all you need to do is dream, and make daily decisions that are in alignment with that dream. You don’t need to know how, that part takes care of itself. As for me I would want to put myself in this space regularly, not to buy a super car but to feel the feeling of the future me having the ability to buy any one of the cars on the floor but not needing to own a single one.