One thing led to another
I’ve never had a home office, I would open up my laptop anywhere and get on with what needed to be done. I had finished up quite a few woodworking projects over the year and had two large bins full of off cuts. It’s one of those things you keep because you feel bad throwing away expensive hardwood but they are often too small to do anything with. As the bins were now overflowing I got cutting and milling and ended up with enough pieces to laminate a desktop together. It was an incredibly time consuming task but well worth the reward. The end result was nothing short of stunning. I now had a desktop which needed legs so got on Temu and ordered some steel legs which arrived within two weeks. With a beautiful desk and no real idea where to use it, I first tried it in my son’s room which didn’t really work, took it to my room where it fitted perfectly. At this stage the bedroom office concept was born, next came the ergo chair, monitor and keyboard. Just like that, from a scrap pile of wood I now have a comfortable workstation where I can edit, research and create.