I made a friend

I was delighted to see a group of Blue Wildebeest grazing the lawn outside our holiday resort. I tried getting some shots of them earlier in the day and they were quite skittish when I got too close. Later in the afternoon as it started to drizzle I slowly worked my way towards the group. Most hid in the nearby bushes but this guy remained on watch. I spent about 20min trying to get close enough to get a decent shot and toward the end he even lay down on the ground and relaxed as he probably released that I was not a threat. I’m very happy with my first impromptu wildlife shoot, I can imagine how much time and dedication photographers spend out in nature to get that perfect photo, I have a suspicion it might just be something I would enjoy. If I had to critique myself on this photograph, I would have liked to move slightly so the tree wasn’t behind his head but I will remember that for future takes.


Hanging out


Make a wish