Deep Roots
Some of us find ourselves easily swayed in multiple different directions, some yield exciting experiences, others can have undesirable consequences. Why is it that some of us are able to navigate through life with an unwavering sense of self, yet others tend to go with the flow, unable to stand for what is true to them or their internal compass. I was wondering this on my drive this morning, self confidence definitely has its part to play, programmed people pleasing and the resultant default to self dismissal, could be another. You get those that are disciplined eaters, consistent achievers, bold and confident leaders. On the other hand there are those that can’t stick to diets, smoke cigarettes knowing the health risks, drink excessive alcohol even though it causes destruction. The latter are usually the “I’m up for anything” fun to be around type of people. Why? Most likely they are able to adapt and fit into everyone else’s world except their own, through their constant self dismissal they have not developed strong enough roots to hold them in place. This is something I am becoming more and more aware of in my life and am constantly having to shift my patterns to plant my roots deeper into the ground, to build a stronger more grounded sense of self. Think about this, you write out an evening “to do list” for the next day, the morning arrives and you don’t feel like hitting the gym, going for that hike, tackling that project you had wanted to. You brush it off saying “I’ll do it tomorrow”or “I’m not in the mood”, by doing this you are basically letting yourself down repeatedly and opening up the space to be lead by others down whichever path they choose. Building a strong routine of showing up for yourself can make the difference between living an inspired life, or one at the will or mercy of others.