Best Friends

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I brought hope home one day. It wasn’t planned or thought out but rather a twist of fate I would like to call it. I was concerned as Dash had already managed to hunt down many birds and wild hares on the property but somehow I knew this would be different. I slowly introduced Hope to him while she was this tiny little ball of fluff, about 6 weeks old. Hope, as I had already named her on the short drive home from where she ended up in my arms, was nestled up in my gown as I sat on the entrance stairs waiting for Dash to come over. He came excitedly to greet me as he always does and then started to have a good sniff at this fur ball in my gown, he was very intrigued and excited and eager to lick and have a nibble. Within 30min I was happy to set her free in the where they got acquainted. He must have been pretty pissed when on day one, Hope found her way into our bed which he hadn’t gotten right in 3 years, but none the less they are now inseparable.


Vicious Circles

