
I guess iā€™m turning into a birder or bird watcher, the same crew I used to ridicule in the Kruger national park. I used to always get frustrated to see a bunch of cars pulled over only to find out they are looking at a bird in a tree 300m away through some long range binoculars. It appears I was incorrect as to the name of the birds featured in my last few posts, they are actually called the blacksmith lapwing or plover, however I believe lapwing is more correct. These poor birds have had a rough week with all the commotion going on in their territory. Thank goodness I remembered today to tell my gardener not to mow over their eggs this morning but can you imagine how stressful it was for the poor birds watching this big noisy machine going by with no idea if their young would survive. I hope to see the young hatch and make them selves at home as future noise makers on our lawn.


Look at the moon


Getting Air